A Secondary School Student, Mukthar Jawad From Invents A Motor-bike Prototype

An SS3 art student of Community Staff Schools Asokoro told newsmen that he invented the motorcycle to ease the mode of transportation in Nigeria and Africa at large.

He stated that he has been riding the prototype as a mode of transportation from his house to the school for more than three months without any problems.

His words: “I like things that involve mechanical, assemble and dissemble. This made me perceived I can do something different to better the means for transportation.

“My motor-bike has features that are partly bicycle and partly motorcycle,’’ he said.

On his part, the principal of the school, Sa’idu Ahmed said that it was a thing of joy for such one of the art students to use his talent for such a discovery. “I have gone to his house to encourage him and he later told me that he had finished the project".


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